Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sugar Rush

I'm not a big Jelly Baby Fan...
But I'm on a sugar-free diet and so desperate for something sweet, I would knit this just to pop it in my mouth.
And (tada) a pattern!

Mega thanks to Severus for bringing this sweet treat to my attention.

Powerful and Pink

Guerilla knitting at its prettiest.This project consists of more than a 4000 pink squares- 15 x 15 centimeters - knitted by volunteers from Denmark, the UK , USA and several other countries.

I absolutely love this quote from their website:
"Unsimilar to a war, knitting signals home, care, closeness and time for reflection."

(Why aren't more tanks made in pink anyway? Ohhh yea... don't ask don't tell...)

Hat with Attitude

Watch out where you wear this guy. You might get called a "punk kid" by some old timer.
This rockin Christmas present was first posted by Green Hearth Knits.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Perfect Pants for a Monday

I know if I wore these around, people would get the picture.
Sadly, they are only for the wee ones. Mahar Drygoods has a waiting list for these if you have your heart set on a pair for your grumpy toddler. They also have them in "Jolly Rodger" and "Sock Monkey" for more playful and happier days.
Today was def. a "Monster Cranky Pants" kinda day.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Is it Lunch Time Yet?

This can't be good for my diet...
Joy Kampia does some beautiful work with yarn and a crochet hook. But some of her stuff is too delicious to pass up. A hamburger dress, doughnut necklace, ice cream cone dress....
Joy? How 'bout next time we put this wardrobe on a diet?
Though I'm sure "celery dress" doesn't have nearly the same effect.

Big Foot Costume?

I'm not totally sure the thought process that went into these... um... suits? But I think the blogger who originally posted them at Rose-Kim Knits had the right adjectives to describe them:

Itchy, Sweaty, and Batsh*t Crazy.
I'm going to assume these weren't knitted by anyone living in the American South in summer.
But then again, what else would you do with that much fuzzy orange yarn??

Friday, April 25, 2008

All the Cool Kids are Doing it

I was innocently looking for weird knitting things (as I do) and stumbled across the scanned pages of a 1979 book called "Wild Knitting". The title says it all... big, poof-y and scary is another way of stating the obvious. But this totally caught me off guard:
Yes Ma'am. Its a knitted cigarette.
Best part of it all?
I found a second one!!!

I totally love the attention to detail they have with the mohair smoke coming out... the 70's model should have taken notes.

My thanks to ladylinoleum at Monster Crochet for posting all the Wild Knits in the first place, without which I wouldn't be giggling so hard.

Anyone looking for a pattern should look no further. (It'll just cost you $65 plus S&H)

Gotta Hand It To You

This is so cool.Using her own form of finger knitting, Blanka Sperkova makes beautiful wire jewelry and sculptures.
Her website is pretty cool too.

So many bad cafateria memories

All in one crocheted tray.

That mystery meat looks so sad.
If I was about to be poked around and left uneaten, I might be sad too.
Someone went a bit overboard...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When it is really an obsession

So glad I found this gem

A warning to everyone: Learn when to say no!

For the cold and dorky

I have to admit, I don't really get this, but that could be because I never played Space Invaders.

Found here.

Even better, if your feet are cold, you can coordinate!

Lucky for you, there is a pattern for these beauties. And from, no less. Ta-da!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Now Drive It Around The Block

An honors art student at Bath Spa University knitted her very on Ferrari.Set on a steel frame, 250 garter stitch squares make up the body, stocking stitch was used for the windows, and the whole ensemble is complete with an embroidered logo.

Artist Lauren Porter knits some other crazy stuff too (toilet, anyone?). You go girl.

I'm auditioning for next season

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Jolly Green Giant Needs A Sweater

And lucky for him, Julia Hopson was around to help. Armed with 3.5 meter needles and rope 12mm in diameter, she made a 10 stitch test square and set a world record!
Micro knitting, I've seen, but this is a first for me. It was done back in October 2006 and if she's kept going has probably gotten most of Mr. Green Giant's sweater done.
Best hurry up honey, he won't be Jolly too much longer.
Check it outs.

More geeky knits

Not able to shell out the big bucks for an iPhone?
No worries. All you need are some yarn and 4-5 hours.
Based on a poptart phone case, someone's Mommy clearly loved them.
The detailed details are here.

Life-like Life-line

It is certainly a good idea for diabetics to carry necessary supplies with them wherever they go.
I've just never seen it being done so.. um... stylishly?
For those of us that skipped anatomy, its a stylized pancreas pouch. The real-deal looks a bit like this:

Still very cool, and she can fit all of her supplies inside.

Now if I can just finish up my esophagus shaped pouch to keep antacid tablets in...
Anatomy pouch designed and made by kirinqueen.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Out of Wool?

Try your pooch's hair.

I've heard of this before, but I've never actually seen a publication to tell you how to do it.
I think I'll stick with sheep, goat, and alpaca before I save the hair clump in the vacuum cleaner.
God forbid I make someone a gift only to find out they are allergic.

Want that Extra Crispy or Original Recipe?

I've made a few hats in my time.
But nothing that resembled dinner.
The name of this particular headgear is: "Chicken Viking Hat". Like Flavor Flav meets Col. Sanders?

Not sure what drugs they were on when they thought about putting a chicken on their head... maybe it was inspiration from a Mr. Bean episode.

You're in luck, little lady. There's a pattern. (Just wipe the chicken grease off your fingers before you pick up the pointy sticks).

Guaranteed to scare the neighbors

When someone asks you to knit them a hat, you don't ask questions beyond "what color?"
But when someone asks you to knit them a gas mask...

Do you ask which war?

Historical accuracy aside, this is more than a little strange.
And the recipient wants to wear it while biking to work.

The mask part itself is attached with Velcro, and was a custom piece, so no pattern (shame).

For reference.

Bad Hair Day Be Gone!

These both come from -- a personal favorite for fun patterns.
These might just cross the line.
Thankfully both creators have a sense of humor, so I don't feel guilty giggling about them in public.

Headgear No.1: The Desperate Housefrau (as if wearing real curlers in public wasn't tacky enough)

oh yes ma'am. Its a swim cap with plastic curlers.

The pattern, if you are so inclined, is here.

Headgear No.2: The Hallowig (or how to look like you belong in a creepy music video)

I'm not sure what snappy comeback I can make to this that isn't already said with its... pink-bang-ness.

A good friend of mine made a wig before, but I don't recall it looking this odd.

She just needs some big ole shades to finish it off.
Ze pattern.

Don't Look a Gift Tooth in the Mouth

I don't know what I can say that won't give anyone the gibblies.

It looks like the tooth has really weird lips, is bleeding, or as the writer on suggested, it has an "uncanny facial resemblance to a blow-up doll. Yeah. G'head, buy one for your kid with that image stuck in your head."

.... wow.

Tooth Fairy Pillow

Watch where you put those hands!

From the Craftzine blog, a knit dress by Benjamin Cho at New York's Fashion Week

About Benjamin Cho

How does she get out?

11 hour performance art. Not sure I'd ever want to be trapped in my own knitting project... I wouldn't want to mess it up getting out!

For the Computer Geek Who Has Everything

These things freak me out.

Seriously, wouldn't fingerless gloves do the job too?

This just looks like it comes direct from a horror film:

Where it all comes from

Love a pet

I'm sure you've seen it before, but she cracks me up.

A list of Knitting Charities

I couldn't help myself.

For the past few days, I've found several bits of knitting that I've found so funny I had to share them with the rest of my knitting biddies. When I came across something else that made me giggle, I thought that someone else might knit and have a sense of humor. So here is a place for my collection to go and other people to get a good chuckle.
